10th annual

california Cup

Cross Country Invitational

The 2002 Southern California USATF Cross Country Championships

Saturday, November 16, 2002

Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA

In conjunction with the 2002 CIF Cross Country Prelims


All races are held on the historic Mt. SAC 3-Mile Cross Country Course during the mid-day break between 28 separate qualifying races for 386 Southern California high school teams competing for CIF Divisional Championships.


The CALIFORNIA CUP is open to all collegiate runners & teams, USATF senior & masters competitors and clubs, unattached runners, and CIF high school coaches.  (Please note that high school cross country team members are not eligible to participate in this championship.)


Start Times


§              12:00N      SENIOR MEN’S 3-MILE CUP RACE (ages 19 & older)

§              12:15pm   SENIOR WOMEN’S 3-MILE CUP RACE (ages 19 & older)

§              12:30pm   MASTERS & CIF COACHES 3-MILE CUP RACE (men & women combined)


**1:30pm Awards Presentations at the Mt. SAC Wall of Fame next to the concessions area




Senior Men’s & Women’s Races:

§              Traveling Cups to the 1st place teams

§              Traveling Cups to the individual winners

§              USATF Medals to place winners 1-20

Masters Men’s & Women’s Race:

§              Traveling Cups to 1st place M & F masters finisher

§              USATF Medals to the top-10 M & F place winners



CONTACT FOR Additional information:


Skip Stolley

CALIFORNIA CUP Cross Country Invitational

825 16th Street /suite B

Santa Monica, CA 90403

Tel 310-453-7655 // Fax (310) 829-6926 // E-mail: sstolley@aol.com       


   california Cup Cross Country Invitational

The 2002 Southern California USATF Cross Country Championships

Saturday, November 16, 2002, at Mt. San Antonio College, Walnut, CA

In conjunction with the 2002 CIF Cross Country Prelims


Team _________________________________________  Coach ____________________________________

             (CIF Coaches Race entries:  Please list your school)

Address ________________________________  ____________________________________  ____________

                street                                                                 city                                                                                 zip code


                Office Phone (          ) ____________  Home Phone (           ) ____________  FAX  (           ) ____________


   MEN’S ENTRIES    WOMEN’S ENTRIES  (use a separate entry form for each team entry)   

PLEASE NOTE:  To protect the integrity of the CALIFORNIA CUP team competition, no additional team entries or team affiliation changes will be accepted on race day.  Teams must enter ALL their team members by November 12. 

All those who entry on race day entries must compete as unattached individuals.



First and Last Name: 

M/W Team Coaches: please list your entire roster.

RACE DIVISION:  Please ü Only One

    SENIOR                 SENIOR              MASTERS            masters           HS  Coach

mEN’S RACE      WOMEN’S  RACE    mEN’S Race    Women’s  Race       entry







































































  -- Please make additional copies of this form if needed --


TEAM ENTRY FEE:  ____ number of teams entered x $50 per team (unlimited entries) = $ ________

                                            (Men’s Team + Women’s Team = $100.00)


INDIVIDUAL ENTRY FEE:   ____ number of individuals entered x $10 each                = $ ________

(NOTE:  Individual race day entries are $15 each)


Pre-entry Deadline is NOVEMBER 12.                  TOTAL ENTRY FEE ENCLOSED   $ ________

        (received by mail or FAX)                                                  Please make checks payable toTRACK WEST


Mail to:   Skip Stolley, CALIFORNIA CUP                                            Or FAX to:   (310) 829-6926

                    825 16th Street /suite B, Santa Monica, CA 90403